
+420-775-62-33-99   Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm

Opletalova 1284/37
110 00 Praha 1, Nové Město
IČ: 04875796
DIČ: CZ04875796
Czech Republic

Company of INDUSTECH CZ,s.r.o. is registered in the Czech Business Register kept by the Regional court in Prag, Section C, Insert 254935

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05 You ask us

Frequent questions

How much time do you need to solve certain procedural issues?

It is very individual, we can offer you the solution and setup of your process in the order of hours, or it is more complicated and the solution will also require the question of weeks. After our initial process analysis, we will inform you about the time horizon and the process.


How much do you charge for the initial process analysis?

The initial process analysis is completely free of charge, we take the costs, after the process analysis, including the SIX SIGMA project, we will design and introduce you with the possible solution, savings calculation and any future costs for the correction and efficiency of your process.


Why should we order any merchandise and products at your disposal and not directly from direct producers if they exist?

Very simple, because we represent a wide range of product types of leading manufacturers, with whom we closely cooperate and we also participate in their development and technical specifications, we have very interesting price bonuses, for which the direct producer can not sell from the economic point of view either.

Nowadays, we are already trying to partially produce our own products.


When is it possible to start cooperation?

The cooperation can be started immediately after contacting us by online form, e-mail or by telephone of our helpline, then we will determine as soon as possible the possible term, or we will offer a prompt term of the solution according to the mutual agreement, the character and the importance of your request.


Are you authorized to sell and manufacture chemical products?

Yes, INDUSTECH CZ, s.r.o. is authorized to sell and manufacture chemical substances and chemical mixtures according to Trades Licensing Act No. 455/1991 Coll.
David Bartek's CEO is a holder of both a university degree and an appropriate education and practice that enables us to do this, including the production of hazardous chemicals and mixtures and the sale of chemicals and mixtures classified as highly toxic and toxic.
There are, of course, a large number of companies in the Czech Republic who do not have this right, but they still deal with these activities, which is, of course, in contradiction with the legal regulations of the Trades Licensing Code, where they pose a considerable risk to both themselves and their customers.

Contact form:

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